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Is the “selfie phenomena” taking over?

Is the “selfie phenomena” taking over?

Ok, so I have admitted in previous columns that I am a Facebook junkie. When I cannot sleep, I check Facebook. When we are in the car, and my husband is driving, I am on Facebook! And Facebook is an integral part of how I keep up with my some of my family. Being on Facebook a lot means I see a TON of the ever-so popular “selfie” phenomena. And you know, “selfies” are a lot like this column. They are the subjects perspective of themselves. I have never been one to take a selfie. I will admit it… the few I have attempted looked like they were straight out of some horror show! I have never felt I took great pictures anyway, much less while extending my arm straight out and attempting to get the “ just-right” look on my face. If I try to smile, I look like a goofy little kid. If I try and not smile, I look like someone just took my dog! So, for all those checking my page after reading this, you will not find any selfies there!

Is revival coming?

Is revival coming?

It’s been all over the news and social media. About what, you say? If you don’t know, then you must be hiding under a bushel barrel basket because revival is and has been popping up in universities and churches all over the country for almost a month. A large and growing revival is still occurring at a school in Kentucky. People all across the country (and, it seems, the world) are asking if this is the next great awakening in our land.


Steel Country Bee

112 Quitman
Pittsburg, TX 75686