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Principal’s Corner

Principal’s Corner

What a win by our Tigers this last Thursday night! We are looking forward to our rematch with the Yellow Jackets of Elysian Fields this Friday in Tatum at 7pm. It’s hard to believe that we are almost to Thanksgiving break. Our students have been working hard to prepare for our benchmark tests as well as finalize all of their grades before our next progress report comes out. I want to personally thank all of our teachers for all of their hard work so far this semester. We have come a long way from the beginning of school as far as the look of our campus, the positivity of our campus, the discipline of our campus, and the rigor of instruction in our classrooms. We still have a long way to go to get to where we want to be as a campus, but I like the direction we are headed. Our students have expressed the enjoyment that they have had so far this year on our campus whether it be in our classrooms, our pep rallies, our school dance, or our homecoming week festivities. I am proud to say that we are getting some of that old school Tiger pride welling up in our young people, and I am enjoying watching the process. As always, stay safe and next week we will be back with some more loving, positive, and uplifting information about our school, students, and community. God bless and go Tigers!

What you need to know about the Texas Cottage Food Law

What you need to know about the Texas Cottage Food Law

If you started or are considering starting a business during the pandemic, you’re not alone. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Americans filed paperwork to start 4.3 million businesses last year. And while many with culinary skills invested in restaurants or food trucks, a large number of them began producing and packaging food items from their homes under the Texas Cottage Food Law which allows individuals to prepare and sell homemade food items with some restrictions.

Why it’s important that taxpayers know and understand their correct filing status

As taxpayers get ready for the upcoming filing season, It’s important for them to know their correct filing status. A taxpayer’s filing status defines the type of tax return form they should use when filing their taxes. Filing status can affect the amount of tax they owe, and it may even determine if they have to file a tax return at all.


Steel Country Bee

112 Quitman
Pittsburg, TX 75686